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Everyone has skills.

Put yours in the mix.

Flairswap is redefining what it means to learn new skills online.

Knowledge swapping

Everyone has a skill. Teach yours and learn another. When a connection is made, both are student AND teacher.

Ease of access

We provide streamlined 1 on 1 interactions. No more paywalls and boring courses. We want learning to be easy.

Active learning

Studies show learning through conversation and debate is most effective. Flairswap offers this experience to all.

Our Vision

Learning online is hard. It's often expensive, boring and ineffective. But varied skill sets are increasingly sought after by employers. We want to provide a platform for people to exchange skills and learn from eachother. Register your interest and get notified for early-access and other perks. Disclaimer: We won't use your data for any marketable ends, just to keep you in the loop. And don't worry, we don't spam.
